Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A teenage vow in a parking lot.

I have a great feeling about this.
supid wasted day.

CHINESE: I'm not too sure actually, i think we did compostitions. I wasn't really into it. Sat next to Harris and Jefferson, the village pervert and the village racist. Hell of a time.

SCIENCE: Mrs Dan caught me writing on the table, and she said something but its sounded like ''bark, bark'' to me. Interesting. She let us watch this video about antartica. The narrator's voice was so damn low and hypnotising. I just could not take it anymore, i put my head down on the science lab table full of chemicals and well, shit. And i took a great nap (:

RECESS: Well, plan was to play cards throughout the whole half an hour. But i still went down. Went for recess with BOTAK2. ( Ryofred ) ARGHH. ADELINE and KELICIA kept saying i like this secondary 1 girl named jasmine. I mean like what the fuck. Oh well. MRS KUAH WAN LING WITH PAY.

HOMEECONOMICS: We cooked mushroom soup. So stupid la, Kenju they all are so stupid, every lesson must change partner, i ended up with Sebby. Which was amazing. HAHA. HomeEC is damn fun when you are partnering the village lamer.

ENGLISH: Free period so we ended going to the HOMEEC room to cook ' mushroom with rice' there's a special name for it but i just can't remember. The DnT people came to eat our food but what the hell, i gave mine away. It sucked so whatever.

EFL: Education for living. We went up to the P.A room to play cards. The village baldy( Ryofred ) The village pervert ( Harris ) and the village lamer ( SEBASTIAN ) hah! we just played and ignored the whole talk, the P.A. people were so pissed with us but they said they won't complain. Thanks Baozhen (:

AFTER SCHOOL: Damn funny, I went back to class, after more teasing from Adeline, and then i saw David outside. I introduced him to Huimin, and he panicked and then i realised he was afraid of girls. LMAO. I kept laughing and laughing and introducing him to girls and then he chased me and i ran in 2/4 and used Jiaxin and Gwendy as a shield. Stupid sia then he backed off. Haha. Played Dai di the whole day after that. the village handicap ( David ) and the village idiot ( Joshua ) has swapped. David is now the village idiot and joshua is the village retard

Quote of David -
'' you come here ''
'' wa lao eh ''
'' shit sia ''
'' eh stop it la ''

Quotes against David
'' hahahaha''
'' stupid sia you ''
'' hahaha ''
'' go away you handicap ''
'' shut up butak ''
'' your IQ lower than your shoe size! ''
took a cab home.
wanted to go for training.
but was tired :(

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